Saturday, July 13, 2019

Critical Analysis Of Picture Story

1. Title and its appropriateness:
Image result for mothers day out

The title of the story is " mother's days out ". Yes, I think that the title of the story is appropriate because the main part of the story started as soon as the mother went out for her job. The story shows the children's carelessness and some fear. They feel when they entered the new place. They felt the importance of mother. The child wouldn't have been in trouble, if the mother has gone out for her job. They would have enjoyed their summer vacation at their home with mother. So, I think the title is appropriate, if the mother wouldn't have gone out on such problems would have arise.

2. Plot of the story:
Image result for german shepherd and its puppies

   Introduction- In the story, there is narrator and his family. Story starts with the introduction and working duty of all the members. Than slowly the problem and conflicts arisen in the story.

  Rising Action- Rising action is explained well. The narrator has explained beautifully each and  every phase of the story. From normal family life, the story turns out as problem between the relation of mother and children.

  Ending- The end of the story has made us shock. Children understood the problems of their mother. They supported her to go out and not to leave her job. In short, it has a beautiful ending.

   Evaluating Basic Structure- In this story, there is a nuclear family. Mother works in a gym. In summer vacation, children were asked to go to their father's sister's house as both the parents were busy in their work. They couldn't look after them. One day, boy woke up early and went around the caves. In his aunt's house, there also lived German shepherd and it's family as pet. The boy saw behind and found the dog, he got scared and started moving backward.

    Dog tried to pull him front as he was about to fell down but failed. The boy fell down and got stuck in the bushes. Dog called his sister for help. After that, they both helped him to come up. There become a bond between the boy and the dog. They all stayed together whole day and traveled around caves for hours and hours. Soon after few days, their father came to pick them but they denied and asked to take a puppy(baby of dog) to their home. They were afraid that mother will not allow any animal to stay but still they brought that puppy. Few days later, mother decided to leave the job so that she could concentrate on her children. But as soon as she mentioned this to all three of them, they started saying no- denying to her not to leave the job in some sarcastic

Evaluation Of Conflict In The Story- The first conflict arose when the duration of the mother's job increased and the children and husband had to do some extra work. Soon the problem become big, when the husband work like cook lunch, clean the clothes, uniforms were not done properly. The boy started yelling,"how  lucky bishu is that his mother cooks and prepare everything for him". The main conflict was between the mother and children. The reason was the mother couldn't leave her job cause of requirement of faculty in her institute while on the other hand children didn't get proper lunch, school uniform ironed and enough time to spend with their mother. It is true that mother should first take responsibility of household and take care of children. Moreover, she could give proper lunch instead of giving a packet of chips or jam buns.

Main Event- The mother used to went out for job from 9-12 in morning and 4-7 in evening. But soon her batch timing increased. In summer vacation, she was asked to devote her whole time as there was no body in her institute to attend the gym. So  she accepted the order of her boss downheartedly as there was no option and sent her children to aunt's house.
As her husband was already out of station. In their aunt's home, there were two dogs and their puppies. Children got scared as they have never been in such environment. One day, boy woke up early and went out to observe the caves. Soon he realized that something is behind him, it was the dog and protecting himself from dog, he stepped backward and fall off from the edge.Evaluation Of Narrative Technique- It's a flashback story, where narrator takes the characters back to the beginning of the story. narrator has also beautifully set the framing device i.e. the scene, the beauty of places, setting time, or any event/element of significance that is important from the viewpoint of story. He has observed and noted even a single point which is used to express different emotion. It is also a story of mixed emotion where he felt bad when his mother went out to work and couldn't take care of them but there is a turning point when mother resigns from her job and writer and his family convince her not to do so.

 Image result for mother's day out story
3. Criticism of the characters:

Main characters- Here, the main character are the narrator i.e. cheryl rao and the pet dog romeo in the whole story.

Supporting characters- Mother, father, sister and aunt are some supporting characters in the story.

4. Symbolism of the story:
Image result for a boy falling off from cliff
By the character romeo, writer wants to symbolize the bond of friendship between human and animals. Romeo is symbolize as true friends who always helps their friends in need. A sign of love, affection and caring is also shown through this character. By the character of mother narrator wants to symbolize the purity of blood relation. Narrator wants to show the mother's love and sacrifice for her family.

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Critical Analysis Of Picture Story

1. Title and its appropriateness: The title of the story is " mother's days out ". Yes, I think that the title of the st...